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By: Laura Alford

Don’t fool around with no coral snakes
Coral snakes, coral snakes
Don’t fool around with no coral snakes
My fair lady

Red on black, friend of Jack
Beer’s on tap, knock ’em back
Knock ’em back, knock ’em back
Beer on tap is a friend of Jack.
My fair lady.

Don’t fool around with no coral snakes
Coral snakes, coral snake
Don’t fool around with no coral snake
My fair lady.

Red on yellow will kill a fellow
Have tequila shots with Jello
Shots with Jello, Shots with Jello
Tequila shots will kill a fellow.
My fair lady.

Don’t fool around with no coral snakes
Coral snakes, coral snakes
Don’t fool around with no coral snakes
My fair lady.

Johnnie Walker Red, Johnnie Walker Blue
Better stick with scotch, It’s always true
Always true, Always true.
Stick with scotch, it won’t make you blue
My fair lady.

Don’t fool around with no coral snakes
Coral snakes, coral snakes
Don’t fool around with no coral snakes
My fair lady.

Version 2. April 26, 2019.

Click to listen to a blues version.

Blues Duet.

Delta Blues.

Delta Blues (female)

Jazz Duet.

Jazz Duet (female)

Delta Blues with rockabilly influence.

Creative Writing                   Songwriting